One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Counting past two

Came across a transgender film festival site, called, Counting Past 2. Personally, I like that whole concept of gender fluidity and there being a spectrum of identities.

Maybe that's partly why I edit this blog so compulsively, yet never feel satisfied. I'm twisting myself into knots trying to resist others' preconceived notions of who I am, or who others may be. Yet I myself toss out social stereotypes and commentary in a fairly judgemental way, in my rush to convey the difficulties of my situation. Sometimes, I feel I'm treading into murky areas - like Jungian 'collective unconscious' type stuff.

Being an anti-social wallflower for several years now, I do try to adapt my language and sensibilities to those who may be reading this. I assume that you probably have a more active social life than I do.

My words may also reveal subconscious desires, rather than actual lived realities. Like, I probably sound like quite the shopper, TV watcher, and computer techie. Yet I loathe shopping and dread malls; I don't have a TV set (though when I do see the tube, I get a lot of information from it); and as for being a techie...I...haha.....hahaa! (failed four math courses in high school, does that count?).

I sometimes feel sickened by the materialism and misinformation being spread about in shopping malls and on TV. Yet, part of me probably wants to acquire things, and to feel pampered, etc. Economics and personal care are both a type of energy flow. And heck, most people my age own their first homes and have cars by now. These aren't exactly my aspirations, but sometimes I find therapy, financial hardship, and the whole activism thing a bit wearying, and kindred spirits are few and far between. As angela bischoff rightly says, balance the work with the music.

My mother and I do see a movie every other month or so. For $4.25 each, we get to bond without fighting too much.

Other thoughts...

I sometimes feel like I'm trying to communicate with two different audiences: environmentalists and everybody else. It's not easy. *smile*

Not to imply I'm an environmentalist by any stretch. I just wish well for the planet and its inhabitants. We all know there are better ways of doing things - it's just a matter of making these a priority, and making it practicable for the mass population to have and make better choices.

Anyway, I hope you'll stick around for this bizarre journey towards walking my talk. Maybe we can even co-create spaces (on and offline) for holistic awareness, mutual respect, and constructive action.

Mark Lombardi: Global Networks

Mark Lombardi: Global Networks

National Public Radio: 'The Conspiracy Art of Mark Lombardi'

--> Lombardi's political artwork is at the Art Gallery of Ontario until Sunday, December 5th.


Some Post-Editing

Added these links on March 1, 2005:'s summary of Mark Lombardi: Global Networks

Write-up by Milwaukee Art Museum.

ICI's overview.

Funny how no one really talks about the fact that Mark Lombardi supposedly died from suicide.

Actionable Ideas

READ THE BOOK: Mark Lombardi: Global Networks. See reviews on

Read other posts on activists and suicide:

'Thoughts on Tooker Gomberg' (Nov. 15, 2004)
'Truth be damned' (Dec. 18, 2004)
'Bush's activism and other wonders' (Jan. 23, 2005)

Monday, November 29, 2004

Trusting the Establishment

Reading this blog, you may feel what the government is doing is necessary and acceptable.

Here's the problem: security bodies protect the interests of the powerful elite - they don't ensure the rights of innocent citizens, or help to build a strong country. Rather than oppose corruption, they seem to be feeding off of it. Purposely creating social problems is part of the deal. Nice.

It's kinda like the film, Sideways. There are stories within the stories. The curtains of Maya (illusion) are infinite. And, as with many well-made films, both the make-believe fantasy and real-life commentary extend well beyond the film itself. Lots of layered meanings and hidden social implications going on.

If you consider both the origins and future of western civilization, have some knowledge of international politics during and since World War II, and look at the casting, these may help inform one's appreciation for some of the film's more subtle messages. Brilliantly done, and fascinating material - wonder where they got their inspiration from?

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Singing for one's supper

Stereo thing happened again today...

I've been at my mother's place for two days (partly as a reprieve from the heating problems in my apartment). I woke up from a nap around 5:35pm and went downstairs. No music to be heard.

Headed to the basement to change a load of laundry, and came back up. As I stepped into the kitchen to get some food, 'The Rose' sung by Bette Midler started to play. This is about the fifth time the stereo's started playing this particular track out of the blue. (See November 15 post, 'More anomalies for mother.')

Later on, my mother and I finish watching a TV program, 'When Angels Come to Town.' I hug her goodnight, and the phone rings. It's 11:30pm; I know it's going to be a wrong-number/crank call. My mom answers it. Sure enough, it's a wrong number, bordering on crank call.

So well-timed. How long will it take before other people will recognize all this as persistent harassment? It's not just this week, or this month, or even this year. It's been three years, and possibly as long as five years.

Chill Out

Haven't yet described my week's adventures with the landlords, my lack of heating for an entire month (despite a new boiler in the building, and new radiator knobs), how I had two blown fuses twice in 24 hours - and so much more. Lots went on during these miserable days without heat or working outlets.

(Among many other choice comments, my landlord kept emphasizing, 'it's the two fuses on the left.' There's only four fuses in the whole box. I have reason to believe my surveillers play me off as different things to different people: thief or criminal, lefty socialist-activist, racist, businessperson hiding my wealth (woohoo), someone disloyal to my own race, or conversely, strong proponent of the Asian Invasion, and so on. Whatever it takes, right?)

Funnily enough, the 'fuses blew' the day after I concluded my therapy in an anger program I've been in for a year-and-a-half. Diagnosis: no progress. Actually, I've made a lot of progress. I've reduced my anger without being on medication, and I'm more congenial and less reactive - in spite of harassment. =:-)

Part of my anger (fear, hostility, sarcasm) is due to being constantly harassed, yet not being believed. Like being continually molested, beaten, or raped, but no one else can see it's happening. So to others, I remain an angry nutter, who's made no progress and is obsessed with surveillance.

Mentioning therapy here will undermine my credibility. Fingers will naturally point at me as being a constant hell-raiser, left, right, and centre. True enough, I am hyper-sensitive, emotionally imbalanced, and sometimes antagonistic. Often, in my frustration, the words just come out wrong (as the song goes).

Establishing ties with people over the past several years has been a challenge. At times, when relationships or situations might have been healed or strengthened, I believe my surveillers have occasionally influenced circumstances, so my connections with people remain distant.

How? By harassing me with phone calls, staging strange or threatening encounters, sending targeted spam; and creating living discomfort, like no heat, broken appliances, vandalism, etc; and worse, creating diversions for the other parties, or even co-opting them. That's a lot of effort to expend, but I haven't been your typical surveillance subject, either.

My seeming like a suspicious, delusional freak has many benefits for my surveillers:

1) Study group impacts and social dynamics;

2) Finetune their knowledge of inter-cultural communications, observe attitudes and perceptions across different communities, and influence or co-opt people accordingly;

3) Undermine my credibility, while drawing attention away from their own doings.

What would you do in this situation?

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Fox News and free speech

Having questioned several CRTC decisions this past year, I shouldn't be surprised that Fox News, a media channel heavily supported by U.S. Republicans, is now coming to Canada.

CBC News: 'CRTC approves Fox News for Canada' - November 18, 2004

I previously suggested various CRTC motions are backhandedly facilitating Canada's loss of sovereignty, and loss of free speech, while possibly enabling U.S. agendas. This includes shutting down CHOI-FM, a popular though bigoted Quebec radio station, shortly after the federal election. Two days later, the CRTC approved controversial Arab TV station, al-Jazeera, for television.

This clampdown on free speech in Quebec - where federal election voters strongly favoured grassroots independence - followed by a blatant gesture of embracing diversity and tolerance by choosing al-Jazeera over other popular foreign-language TV programs, demands some critique. In two successive strokes, the CRTC sent a clear message: undermine democratic processes in French Canada, while possibly opening the door to more cultural fragmentation by choosing al-Jazeera. Personally, I think all this belies a more conservative game plan.

Hello, 9-11?

Most people cannot imagine that the 3000-plus dead and wounded in New York may be calculated losses for greater gains. Many find this idea difficult to grasp or accept, yet there's much evidence to suggest 'the Official Story' isn't the full scoop. See, 9-11 Oddities, and

Media is a powerful means of controlling the public imagination. Besides promoting materialism and glamour galore, media can help shape perceptions, plant fears, and reinforce certain social norms. This would be a perfect means by which the U.S. may divide and conquer the Great White North.

fab Magazine, a queer rag revived by Managing Editor Mitchel Raphael, formerly of the National Post, seems to walk a fine line in his Editor's Letter.[1] Raphael teasingly implies that anti-Americanism is really defensive pride and provincial close-mindedness. I've discussed elsewhere that being gay, visible, or flamboyant doesn't necessarily mean one's politics are progressive - sometimes, just the opposite.

The point is not whether some Americans have come to Canada and been positive influences - the point IS, do we want to be an American puppet, or do we want to preserve what's good and great about Canada?

Why Multiculturalism?

These conflicting issues force one to look at Canada's recent history. The country's multiculturalism policy/ies, for example, may require closer examination. While former prime minister Pierre Trudeau and the Liberal party had an incredible vision, they may not have fully anticipated or implemented the checks and balances necessary for dealing with this new orientation.

Multiculturalism is doable - without being a strain on local communities, or a drain on the government - yet, perhaps, planning and implementation needed to be more practical and participatory.

Trudeau's aspirations also ran counter to Canada's characteristic traits of reserve and caution, paternalistic governance, and so on. Yet multiculturalism demands co-operation, effort, and accountability on the part of all citizens to function well.

Passing the Buck, Pocketing Two

Where does all this leave Canada today? The country's most respected institutions are selling its citizens out - and quickly.[2]

Even Prime Minister Paul Martin's latest interest in making the territories equal in status to provinces is questionable. This speaks to long range vision and planning, which may not necessarily originate from Ottawa, or the federal Cabinet.

Since taking the helm, Martin and the Liberals have been tweaking Canada's key infrastructural strengths and geographical vulnerabilities - be it healthcare, Crown Corporations, the Territories, and so on. That's WONDERFUL, if these moves were actually geared to strengthening the country. I somehow doubt it, judging by U.S. President George Bush's swift visit to Canada, following his recent...uh, victory (?).

I know I'm a sensationalist, fanning people's fears. Guilty as charged. Yet since the 9-11 attacks in New York, we really don't have the luxury of time to contemplate whether a conspiracy is going on. 'Deep penetration' by the U.S. - never mind 'integration' - is accelerating quickly.

Innovation is much needed, and wacky truth-seekers need to support one another. To stem the tide, it may help to link up with various grassroots activists and sites, like the ones below, and build from there:



[1] I mentioned above how one mag editor 'walks a fine line' in describing Canada-U.S. ties. One month later, a Maclean's article entitled, 'Walking a fine line,' outlines Stephen Harper and the Conservatives' game plan, and their expectations of being elected next time around.

[2] The dam opening for U.S. economic imperialism was created by the original free trade agreement signed with the U.S. in 1989, under then-Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and the Progressive Conservatives. Like many others, I pamphleteered against free trade, but the deal was quickly pushed through. I felt the same way then, as I did reading about global warming and the greenhouse effect in 1981: deeply despairing. Voter turn-out has dropped ever since.

[Edit: See February 16, 2005 - 'Tribute to Lois Hole.']

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Cybercafes and phone mamas

Will That Be Ham or Turkey?

Interesting adventures at two cybercafes last night. But first, let me tell you about an experience from two summers ago.

Picture me with only one other customer in an empty cybercafe (no, not like that). I was seated by myself in a long row of 11 empty computers (with over 20 terminals in all). Half an hour later, two people came in around 10pm - one sat right beside me, while the other stood, but leaned in real close. They were pretty boisterous.

Soon, another pair came in. One sat on my other side - while his companion stood close behind us. Here I was, in this dark, vacant cybercafe, literally sandwiched between four men.

Each pair spoke a different language. As I've said, I believe the government is working with different ethnic communities to carry out certain activities, and to even create social experiments around inter-racial group dynamics. (see below)

I've often been called paranoid. Yet how would you feel in this situation? The cybercafe staff person looked on in complete amazement and concern. People usually fan out in an empty room. Not so here.

I had written notes previously, warning this person that I'm under government surveillance, and to be aware of any oddities. Of course, no one ever believes me, until they see it with their own eyes - or unless the government contacts them directly.

I believe that's what the government did, eventually. Over time, the staff's attitude towards me changed from alert wariness to an 'oh-I-see' kinda looks. Like I'm the criminal.

Let's say the government did contact the cybercafe staff (plus my neighbours, acquaintances, local shopkeepers, potential employers, and so on - which CSIS is known to do). Who are people gonna believe?

Me? ---> furtive, nervous, desperate

Or Big Brother? ---> power, info, credibility

I believe my surveillers are closely studying behaviour patterns among people and between different ethnic groups (east vs. west, north vs. south, you name it), and applying this information to bigger agendas - like U.S.-Canada integration, among other things.

We are in denial: 'deep integration' between Canada and the U.S. is well underway. I believe the cultural assimilation process is being stepped up - especially in near-border cities, like Hamilton, Windsor, certain provinces, and so on - but under a false guise of progressive development.

So, what usually happens when one fish is bigger than the other? .......Right.

Isn't this what the whole 'War Against Terrorism' propaganda, and our resulting loss of privacy and civil liberties, is all about - control?

See The Council of Canadians' U.S.-Canada Relations page.

Some readings on social equity and cultural identity in Canada:

John Porter's 1965 classic, Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada.

Maria Barrados' speech for the Annual John Porter Memorial Lecture, March 2004.

Theoretical synopsis of Canadian class and social stratification by Professor Paul Gingrich, University of Regina. (Excellent excerpts from the Vertical Mosaic.)

The Vertical Mosaic Revisited, edited by Rick Helmes-Hayes and James Curtis.

'The Paradox of Cultural Identity in English Canada' by Ian Angus of Simon Fraser University.


Last night, my experiences at two cybercafes were similar to above.

Cybercafe One: I'm surrounded by five empty terminals on my left, and one on my right. Where does this guy choose to sit? Beside me, on the right. He also leaned back and stretched every so often to hide the fact he was deliberately watching my screen. (fuller description to come)

I'm not saying this is how the government monitors one's computer access. They spy on whole networks of people. People's entire computer activities - on and offline - can be recorded from anywhere. The point is, this person behaved strangely and gave off real bad vibes. I haven't mentioned all the details.

(Read about 'data mining' and the Echelon project.)

Cybercafe Two: I head off to a larger place, and sit at the back. Plenty of empty terminals, even completely unoccupied sections.

About 11:00pm, a guy comes in. He strides purposefully past several sections, turns, and heads right for me. Squeezing behind my chair, he too sits down next to me. We're both secluded in this one corner, like lovers in paradise. Exact same scenario as Cybercafe One.

They're not exactly being discrete here. Wish I had a camera with me, but a snapshot wouldn't nearly capture the burning hatred in some of these people's eyes.

[Edit: I started using cybercafes when I disconnected my internet service for two years, mostly due to hacking, but unemployment was also a factor. Having just signed up again in May of this year, I still use cybercafes on occasion for various reasons (eg, computer down, privacy concerns, etc).]


Phone Mamas

So that was yesterday. Today, I got two phone calls:

11:55am - Wrong number call 416-954-8085

12:05pm - Ten minutes later, a manager from a major entertainment district I once worked for returned my call. Hadn't picked up my paycheque for a long time and have been following up on that.

My semi-broken phone doesn't usually ring at all, much less LOUDLY. So I was startled. Both callers acted strangely. First caller was oh-so-quick to say, 'Oh! I must have the wrong number!' (giggle, giggle).

Then, the restaurant manager calls. She starts off like this:

Manager: 'Hii-i,' (almost sexy, knowing, drawn out tone). Like I'm supposed to know who it is. Note: I've never met this person; we've spoken twice over the past three weeks (oh, the joys of getting one's paycheque).


'Oh, hi-i-i.' (again breathy, sexy, friendly - big pause) 'Is this L.? (me)'

Me: 'Yes.'

'It's __D.__.' (another pause, I'm obviously confused) '___D.___ from the (X restaurant).'

The whole conversation continued in this same teasing tone. Not friendly teasing, more like a put-down. Like, 'Are you sure you weren't already paid', 'Oh, too bad for you,' and so on.

See why people think I'm a conspiracy freak? But check out other posts, and hear other calls.

If you're thinking I haven't connected the dots here, you're right. All I can tell you is, after working at this place, I circulated an email about how important the film and media industry are to 'deep integration' between U.S. and Canada. Hospitality staff are like a mini-army, and film extras, models, and wannabe actors are a dime a dozen. With good co-ordination, security bodies are able to monitor and control social situations and the general public to a massive degree.

(See other post: 'Look what the mailman brought' - November 19.)

Voters' rights and privacy concerns

Here's more on the U.S. - internet - voter privacy thread:

To: Graybeard58

How much privacy do we have? Very little it seems.There is even a web site where you can type in your address and it will tell you to whom and how much you and your neighbors have contributed to political parties.

If you don't want to give out your address, no problem, just type in your zip code.:

2 posted on 09/22/2004 10:08:46 AM PDT by Graybeard58

Found it on a discussion page about anonymous surfing.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Voting issues, no news coverage

Found info raising issues around U.S. electoral process. See this Wikipedia website before it gets deleted...

Examples of issues

* The reliability and accuracy of electronic voting machines has not been established. In some cases they were designed without capability for paper trail or auditability, and cited expert computer scientists state that these machines had a very high potential to be tampered, citing such possibilities as the machines being reprogrammed on election day, fuindamental design flaws, gaps in security logs and the like. The election incident reporting system (EIRS ( has recieved many reports from voters and election officials of votes for Kerry being recorded as votes for Bush. In a letter to Bush dated Aug. 14, 2003 Walden O'Dell, the CEO of Diebold (makers of electronic voting machines) wrote that he was "committed to deliver the next election's Electoral Votes to the president next year" [3] ( This event has further fuelled suspicions of fraud. Electronic voting machines are not generally designed to produce a paper audit trail, if there is a doubt as to whether the machine has accurately represented and counted votes, there may not be a way to independantly verify the election results. [4] (,1283,65563,00.html) Because of this, some encourage the use of open-architecture voting machines.

* At least one voting machine began counting back down to zero when it reached 32000 votes; manufacturer ES&S are said to have known about (but not rectified) this issue for two years since the same problem had arisen in a previous mayoral election. (Broward Co., FL) [5] (

* Voter suppression, intimidation, lost ballots, efforts to discredit citizens that may be validly registered. This has the aim of reducing turn out for people believed to support the other side.

More info from '2004 U.S. presidential election controversy'. Election monitors from elsewhere were asked to observe the U.S. voting process.

A small team of international election monitors from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were invited to monitor the election. [snip]

Press comment by International Monitors:

"International monitors at a polling station in southern Florida said Tuesday that voting procedures fell short in many ways of the best global practices. The observers said they had less access to polls than in Kazakhstan, that the electronic voting had fewer fail-safes than in Venezuela, that the ballots were not so simple as in the Republic of Georgia and that no other country had such a complex national election system. Two-member observer teams fanned out across 11 states and included citizens of 36 countries, ranging from Canada and Switzerland to Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, Slovenia and Belarus."

(Link to come.)

CBC News article discusses some weaknesses and discrepancies in U.S. electoral system: 'Counting the Vote,' October 27, 2004.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Look what the mailman brought

You think you've got spam problems...

Six weeks ago, I wanted to switch to a larger email box, so I had to unsubscribe from a listserv I'd been on for almost five years. Today, I discovered 60 new messages in my old email account - mostly spam. I've ever had this problem before, just a few targeted spam on days when harassment's been heating up.

Death threats, or...?

Among the 60 messages, I found this one, presumably from Mark Beaupre, whom I've worked with at a large Toronto venue. He was one of my first clues to undercover surveillance at this particular workplace; I have notes about our interactions.

From: "Mark Beaupre" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 17:43:09 +0000


ain't dead quite yet
work lots
play lots


That's not my email addy, yet I feel this message was for my benefit - and not a 'group message.' It was marked, '[no subject];' I edited out Mark's email address.

I've been claiming threats to both my and others' safety recently, and discover the message above, from someone whom I suspect of being a government 'plant'. Strange. This is just one of many slightly sinister emails I've received at odd times.

Two days before Mark's email was sent, I happened to sign up for shifts at this workplace for the first time in months. (More about Mark below.)

Random spam attack?

It could be coincidence that Mark’s message was in amidst this sudden spam attack, at a time when I'm feeling very threatened. The problem with email manipulation is everything is easily dismissed as a fluke. So let's break this down.

1. This was my primary email box for five years. I've been a rabble-rouser on this list, so unsubscribing could be a 'good riddance' gesture from my detractors. Yet I think not.

2. Internet harassment I experience requires a high level of computer knowledge and skills - plus, extensive knowledge about me, my activities, interests, personal life, and so on.

3. There are close parallels between my email spam and crank calls I get, for example:

- Email: 16 of the 60 messages in this recent blitz are from ‘Sustainable Africa Newsletter.' I don't know how I got on their list, but I had long questioned whether this may be another NGO fronting for undercover government activities.

- Phone: Once received a 3-minute rap song about ni*gers from a person of African-Caribbean background.

- Email: I was also signed onto Al Awda, a Canadian-Palestinian newsletter, without my permission, and have received messages at odd times.

(Note: It's possible someone signed me up for both newsletters. But it doesn't explain the frequency, timing, volume, and even topics (will explain later).)

- Phone: I get many strange calls from South Asian people. (Take a listen.)

4. Listserv I signed off my email from had received rebellious posts, at one time. Seemed like anonymous people of African-Caribbean background were making a political statement about lack of inclusion by sending notices of reggae events, as being a form of socio-environmental activism. Yet some of these posts felt more like snipes, and tensions brewed.

- With so much internet hacking and targeted spam, it dawned on me that these messages - both phone and email - could be arranged by conservative entities to stir things up. I posted an email about this in 2002.

5. Very specific spam: these aren't just ads for sexual enhancement, it’s a whole cross-section of stuff that relates to the list or to me, personally.

More About Mark

What got me about Mark is how much I initially believed he was a compadre. I've warned people before about how convincing government 'moles' can be. Mark was part of this learning curve.

During a political dinner we both served at, he griped about the damage being done to the province's well-being, citing education cuts, and underfunding in the arts. He also seemed to understand about learning disabilities and depression. Like a real humanistic, progressive type, Mark said all the right things.

At the end of that dinner, he urgently handed me one of the table ornaments as a sort of patriotic gesture: it's a stand holding both the Canadian and Ontario flags. I still have it.

After I realized Mark is probably a 'plant,' every time I saw him, he'd stutter in a mocking fashion, or do weird nervous gestures. His contemptuous attitude was like, Gotcha!

Struck Dumb

Mark is but a small part of my experiences at this workplace. I've had a few harsh moments, but one incident was particularly threatening.

While being briefed for an event, I was standing at the back. Two new women, whom I'd never seen or met before, both turned suddenly, and looked right at me with sheer dislike. If looks could kill, these two would've been commandos.

An hour later, I was in a pantry room, getting ice. Three others with me, but I didn't pay much attention. They were: killer-gaze woman, another guy whom I suspect of being a 'plant,' and another person, who comes up a lot in my work interactions. While scooping ice from a machine, this woman unlatched the steel door and let it drop on my head. Ouch!

She never apologized. When I rubbed my head in obvious pain, she asked coldly, 'Are you okay?'

This happened at a time when I had specifically told my therapists I was being threatened. Several other incidents happened during this same week.

Also, I was hit on the head the night of my uncle's funeral, while sobbing into a payphone. Again, no apologies. See November 2003.)

What makes me think this was a deliberate set-up? How is all this possible?

People will call me paranoid, yet I feel this employer began co-operating with the government a few months after I was hired. This would not be the first venue to implement 'post-911 security measures.'

I also believe the staff have been briefed, and I've become part of a case study. This place offers endless opportunities for studying group dynamics and social interactions. Walky-talkies are often used to co-ordinate people at large venues. This place has many hidden cameras. They're able to zoom in anywhere - both for security reasons, and for entertainment purposes.

All this may sound like Hollywood-style theories, but it's hard to explain.

(More on harassment in hospitality workplaces below.)

Work and Politics

Mark stood in contrast to most of the other staff: he was politically interested. Most others tend to be concerned only about day-to-day stuff. I've never asked people, but my experiences in hospitality suggest a total lack of interest in politics and civic engagement.

That’s a massive generalization. But it seems to be true of the hospitality industry, and also, of more recent immigrants, who often work in hospitality for various reasons.

To be fair, more recent immigrants aren't usually encouraged to be part of Canada's political process, and often lack adequate awareness of Canadian culture, history, and current politics, to make informed voting decisions, or to even want to participate. Of equal concern is how little - if any - sense of civic duty, ethics, or social consciousness exists in the overall hospitality industry. It really is 'survival of the fittest.'

Note: These are both sizable groups. About 150,000 people work in Ontario's hospitality industry, and about 40% of Toronto's current population have arrived in the last 10 years.

The vast majority of workers at this particular venue are originally immigrants. (Some may have lived in Canada for up to 20 years, yet their English or French-language skills aren't always strong.) There are a lot of ethno-cultural cliques (eg, South Asian, Russian, East Asian, African-Caribbean, Latin American, etc). I mention this because it's an important part of why and how, I believe, government has convinced the administration to explore different 'security' tactics, and to try out test-case scenarios.

What bothers (enrages?) me is how willing and compliant people are to the wishes of the authorities, regardless of legality or personal rights.

All this may sound fantastical, and I understand why people don't believe me. Yet somewhere in this is more than just my whining suspicions and conspiracy views. Some things only make sense from a surveillance and security perspective.

(Note: I do not discuss politics at work. Mark was an exception, and I believe he prompted much of our exchange. It was also a very specific dinner. There's also no reason for me to be singled out for dislike in a place with so many other staff. People barely remember each other's names.)


Other resources:

For another story about workplace harassment in hospitality, see eye magazine's 'Mayday at the Met,' April 29, 2004.

Read more activist thoughts about working in the hospitality industry from the Metropolitan Hotel Workers' website.

Questions about US election

I can't help but wonder three things:

1) Why is no one questioning voting integrity and accuracy in the recent U.S. election?

2) Is confusion and apathy so widespread among people, both in the U.S. and worldwide?

3) Are there any independent media outlets left in the world?

Further questions to consider:

a) What kind of voting process requires one to disclose one's ethnicity and religion, among other things?

- How is this information gathered?

- Aren't people concerned about accuracy, methodology, and most of all, anonymity?

b) Has this kind of 'demographic' information ever been used or broadcasted in past elections?

c) Don't people realize electronic polls are made by large corporations who of course have vested interests (and often make sizable campaign donations)?

*PLEASE* read this wise article: 'To European Friends: Explaining the 2004 Election Disaster.'

Wake up, people. The whole world has been waiting to see the future direction of America and the world, based upon whom U.S. citizens elect for president. To subsequently track voting trends based on biological data is questionable and disturbing. (Key statistics I saw on TV focused on race, religion, gender.)

This kind of analysis divides people and creates a blame-game. Sounds like subtle scapegoating to me. This can also create perceptions of certain groups as being more progressive, sane, or saintly than others.

What we who live in supposedly free, democratic countries need is holistic change - NOT more pigeonholing.

Other things that stand out about the recent U.S. election:

People around the world know George W. Bush and the U.S. Republicans did not win by popular majority in the 2000 election. Suspicious tactics were used to help advance his cause in Florida - the deciding state. Bush's brother John 'Jeb' Bush is governor of Florida, and is known to have created unnecessary ballot hitches.

'Even the US Supreme Court, which awarded the presidency to George W. Bush, acknowledges [voters' rights were] violated [under] the Constitution,' reports The Nation in 'Another Florida Fiasco.' Examples: 'ATM-style voting machines couldn't be activated'; only Republican votes scanned properly in one county; hundreds of voters were turned away, and so on. A good percentage of people blocked from voting were African-Americans.

CBC News similarly points out:

[The Long Shadow of Jim Crow: Voter Intimidation and Suppression in America Today] report suggests 'subtle, cynical and creative tactics' to keep minorities – especially African-Americans – from voting have occurred in every election since the [Voting Rights Act] law was passed [in 1964].

'CBC News Indepth: US Election 2004', October 22, 2004.

All of this was accomplished when Bush hadn't even been elected president yet. Who's to say there wasn't ballot-fixing nation-wide now that Bush has been in power for four years, during which time, he's managed to launch two major [and profitable] wars and solidify the right-wing?

Is this too big for people to imagine? Considering the Florida case, there should be real doubts in people's minds about the accuracy of these recent U.S. election results.

Greg Palast, 'contributing editor to Harper's magazine, investigated the manipulation of the vote for BBC Television's Newsnight,' and talks about spoiled votes in 'Kerry Won' (November 4, 2004).

Without doing any research, I posted thoughts about internet voting here. Admittedly, my knowledge of U.S. elections is pretty sparse. Good thing recent searches confirm that my concerns about electronic voting are both valid and real.

To be clear, I'm not for or against anybody. I'm simply pro-democracy, pro-accountability, pro-integrity, and pro-freedom. So are a lot of other folks, yet somehow we have almost no say in government functioning or decisions. (Do I sound ridiculously naive here?)

Found this highly readable article, containing important information about manipulating ballots: 'Did Bush fix the elections?'

I can't resist quoting this:

The appearance of Osama bin Laden bang on cue was suspicious, to say the least.... Did Bush fix it?

I said the exact same thing about a rape and beating case of a woman coming out of (or walking near?) a gay bar in Toronto on the eve of Canada's federal election (June 30, 2004).

Sent a bunch of emails to people questioning U.S.-Canada relations, media, democracy, etc, and highlighted the lack of investigative journalism in this particular rape case. I suggested this event could have been either staged or deliberately perpetrated to sway both women and queer voters.

I just found this Globe and Mail article link about that incident. Strangely, the author's name is 'GAY ABBATE'.

What's also odd is that one cannot find any direct links to this news story via a Google search. Yet this was *Big News* on TV, the evening before the federal election.

I had similar concerns about the totally lopsided media coverage between the respective murders of Holly Jones and Cecilia Zhang. The lack of news in Holly Jones' case is unusual. And, sure enough, this disparity became a selling point for the New Conservatives appealing to voters outside of urban centres. And WHY has there been so little news coverage about Holly Jones supposed murderer?

Having reflected on my surveillance and harassment a great deal, I sense a larger agenda is at stake.

(Thoughts on Canada's federal election - June 2004.)

Monday, November 15, 2004

More anomalies for mother

Lots of stuff happening to my mother and her home. Here is what's strange:

  1. I'd previously written about or predicted many of these problems.

  2. Many incidents occur when I'm staying over at my mother's place. Or, they happen when I'm busily writing about surveillance at home. It's a backlash of sorts - strange incidents or sudden problems indirectly scare my mother. (She has finally begun to believe I may be under surveillance.)

Previously, I had mentioned that many electrical or battery-powered things go haywire - both at my place and at my mother's house. [1] During the past six months, my mother has had many odd problems. Not only are things going wrong inside her home, but odd things are also happening in the backyard, front yard, on the porch, and to her car - all in the span of four months.

For example:

  • New plants have gone missing from the garden - not half-nibbled, but completely removed;

  • Shoe-brush ornament on front porch gets deliberately damaged;

  • Two call display devices have gone defunct;

  • The kitchen fuse has blown twice;

  • Three power outages;

  • Lighting problems;

  • TV remote control suddenly stops working; soon after, her 'TV chair' collapses and breaks;

  • Dead car battery on the day she has to go for a physical - auto service person says the headlights were left on, yet she says she didn't use the headlights the day before;

  • Car's locking system suddenly goes defective (more info to come).

Kicking, snail

Note: This snail-shaped shoe brush is surprisingly hard and sturdy. You could bang it with a bat, and it wouldn't make a dent. Yet, somehow, it became mangled after my mother had a small dinner party in August (or July?). I believe the same family friends who attended - along with many other long-time Canadians of Chinese ancestry - are now being coerced by the government into supporting a certain large-scale political agenda. This plan is NOT exclusive to Chinese-Canadians. It's a well-disguised, multicultural, and yet fascist approach to gaining global economic power and social control. [2] [Added Mar. 26/05.]

Strange incidents often happen after my more controversial writings about surveillance, and they usually occur when I claim that things are 'very intense.'

For example, I was at my mother's place recently, and within hours, she received two wrong number calls. This was the same week I had posted about the high number of wrong number calls I get at my place. (See October 19 post, and others.)

Odd telephone call patterns constantly repeat themselves, yet explaining all the different phone scenarios would take too long.

Note: My mother doesn't normally get wrong number calls. Yet, it's happened three times in the past few months, while I was there, and I was even anticipating some wrong number calls.

Boogie on Down...and Around

With all the malfunctioning, missing, or damaged items at my mother's place, I began to wonder why her stereo hasn't been affected, since everything else has. So, of course, it had to happen: my mother's stereo miraculously started turning on by itself, while playing very specific songs.

Picture this: I walk into my mother's place, and the stereo immediately starts blaring music - it's usually one of the two songs below, yet there are three CDs in the player, and these aren't even the first songs on each disc:

'The Rose' - Bette Midler
'You're So Vain' - Carly Simon.

(Yeah, I know: sappy.)

This has happened four or five times, the moment I walked into the house, and three times, while I was sitting around. I tried to ignore it; I wasn't even going to journal about it, but this is too much!

Here's why I think the stereo has been rigged:

  • Yes, my mother sometimes leaves the music on to keep the bird company. But, in the instances I'm describing, the house was completely silent when I entered it. Then, five seconds later, a particular tune would start blasting.

  • Yes, it's an older stereo (1992?), but that doesn't explain the precise timing (enter stage left), or why the device seems to start from either an 'Off' position or some kind of paused state.

  • If the stereo was already 'On,' and was simply between songs, then, a loud mechanical *clicking* noise would be heard before the next track starts. But that hasn't been the case.

  • The stereo's never done this before. As far as I know, it doesn't have a timer feature for playing particular songs. And if it does, it's never been used before.

  • Two weeks ago, the stereo started up by itself, while my mother and I were sitting in the family room. I hoped she wouldn't notice, but 'You're So Vain' kept playing repeatedly. The song would either play right through, or get cut off, and start again..and again..and again. I finally had to shut it off.

  • I believe there's some relevance to these song choices - aside from the fact that I am obviously vain and self-centred - but it's too hairy to explain. This entire blog is clearly a testament to my own self-centredness.

Read more about my mother's little challenges here (not updated yet).


More incidents...

I've been telling people recently that I believe my mom's car has been entered, and that my bag has been searched.

I've been carrying this bag everywhere for over three years, yet I recently left it unattended on three occasions. You'd have to know how much I guard my bag to fully appreciate the context.

In August, I accidentally left my bag in my mother's car for seven whole hours, and I cursed myself (@$%#&^&!!!) for doing this. When I finally went out to get it, I recalled that I'd also forgotten to lock the car door in my haste to get inside. (I don't have a car and am very absent-minded, so I forgot to lock up.)

When I reached the car, however, I found the doors were locked. I knew, then, my bag must've been opened, and my notes were probably recorded by video camera. As I opened the car door, a powerful menthol smell immediately filled my nostrils (probably the Tiger Balm ointment I keep in my bag, yet have never really used before).

Note: I often use my nose to smell things out, kinda instinctual-like. I have reason to believe that my surveillers know this - and everything else - about me. So, perhaps, purposely leaving behind a strong odour is kind of like a taunt: 'Gotcha!'

I can imagine what you're thinking: This person is TOTALLY CRACKED.

Yes, I've often been told I 'read too much into things.' Yet, I'm often right.

How can I convey these subtle and complicated situations? I can only prove that there's a constant barrage of anomalies, and that I'm somehow able to predict, anticipate, or read these strange occurrences or odd new trends.

That bag-and-menthol incident was in August. Next time I left my bag in the car, my mother and I were at a laundromat for about two hours. When we returned to the car, a guy was standing a little away from it. As I glanced at him, he grabbed his crotch 'fungoola' style, and repeatedly dangled and flipped his keys in the other hand, in a rather smug and exaggerated manner. He gave me such an unpleasant (sneering?) look, too. When I opened my bag later, I found the contents dishevelled, plus my good luck charm was missing. That was in October.

(Note: I've obsessively carried my backpack for three years. It had never looked so jumbled before: papers were out of their folders, etc.)

As I said, I'd been telling a few people that I believe my mother's car has been entered, and that my bag has been accessed. No one believes me, of course. Then, three weeks later, the car's locking system suddenly develops problems: it no longer 'chirps' when you lock or unlock the vehicle - now, it's totally quiet. Inside the car, a red warning light remains permanently on, even when the car is turned off. Apparently, it used to flash on only when the doors were being locked or unlocked. Could this symbolically imply something, as in: no locking, no privacy, no protection?

This new car problem began on November 4, the day my mother went for a follow-up doctor's appointment. Strangely, on September 1, the day she had to go for a complete physical, her car battery had inexplicably died. How's that for double synchronicity?

Also read August 22 post, 'The magic of cars.'

What's equally strange is that the doctor or technician suddenly called my mother up two months later to tell her she's got osteoporosis. This same person, a South Asian man, also told my mother that she had shrunk two inches and is now 4'11" (...funny how 'elevens' keep popping up everywhere).

Can doctors be co-opted? If it's a serious enough level of government surveillance, I believe so. (See 'Thoughts on Tooker Gomberg.')

I'm not saying for sure that all this is about surveillance and harassment. Things do happen - but on a weekly basis?

Even if my interpretations are way off, it's uncanny how well I'm able to predict, anticipate, or explain each new anomaly that happens to myself and many others.


[1] Please see 'Raising the alarms' (December 22, 2004) and 'Now you hear it, now you don't' (July 28, 2004).

[2] Please see 'Blowing a Tsunami' (January 15, 2005).

Thoughts on Tooker Gomberg

While others gradually accepted environmental activist Tooker Gomberg's tragic passing as a suicide in March 2004, I have persistently questioned the circumstances of his death - rather insensitively and almost fanatically so.

Yet through further inquiry, I believe I was able to highlight a few inconsistencies in the supposed actions Tooker took. It also became clear that his psychiatrist had been, in my view, unusually negligent. Tooker's surviving loved ones agree that medication was a likely factor in his suicide. I believe it either caused Tooker's suicide, or helped facilitate belief in it occurring. Tooker's body has never been found.

What's further unsettling is that:

1) For over two years, I had made it a point to tell my therapists, and other people, that I would never attempt suicide, in spite of my severe depression.

2) As I started sending more information to Greenspiration (Tooker and Angela's email and website), I was concerned that Tooker may also become a target, and was concerned about his safety (due to my uncle's death in November 2003).

3) Several activists have apparently committed suicide in the past two years.

Yet I'm not the only one who has doubts about Tooker's death:

Why take helmet to suicide?

I find it difficult to accept that Tooker Gomberg would have taken his own life. While he was a master of making the bold statement, Tooker was always, always, in favour of preserving life. I once had the opportunity to share time with this dangerous radical (I use the term in the affectionate sense), and there was no inkling that he was capable of taking the life of any creature, great or tiny. He loved life. And many people loved him. He was passionate, kind and focused.

I cannot fathom why a man would wear a bicycle helmet on a trip to commit suicide.

Jack Locke
Calgary, AB

NOW Letters to the Editor, March 25 - March 31, 2004

Threats to health

I've been spending more time with my mother over the past year. It's not a picture-perfect relationship, believe me. But I'm trying. And after nearly five years of running from therapist to therapist (enough to make one crazy and drive one's mother into destitution), I'm finally making some progress.

My gawd, the ego's one tough cookie.

I mention this because as I blog about the increasing harassment and threats, it may seem like I'm constantly with my mother. While it's true I'm hanging out with her more, it's also true that the anomalies she's experiencing are definitely on the rise.

(I've had the sense that my mother's becoming more of a target for awhile - August 22.)

It's ironic that people often assume I'm paranoid or that I don't believe in coincidences. I'm actually a big believer in serendipity, synchronicity, astrology, intuition, miracles, and a Divine Creator. In fact, I think my surveillers have benefitted from my interest in these areas, and from observing people's innate belief in, and acceptance of, 'chance' happenings. I think it's enhanced their ability to manipulate social situations.

Anyway, here's yet another inexplicable incident:

Saturday, October 30 - I had two bouts of really bad runs. The suddenness and severity made me think of food poisoning (in fact, I bagged, taped, and froze my dinner leftovers the next day). But what's strange is I noticed I had no pain, gas, or cramping. Believe me, I'm very familiar with my own digestion and elimination processes.

I didn't mention anything to my mother - neither the sickness, nor the lack of typical symptoms.

November 6 - A week later, both my mother and I end up having severe diarrhea. I again did not say anything to her. But towards evening, as we were talking about something or other, my mother says, 'I'm not feeling very well. I had diarrhea five times today.' Then she adds, 'It's strange - I didn't have any gas or cramps - just the diarrhea.'

(All these little moments are so important; unfortunately, I dropped my 17-year old Walkman a few months ago, trying to transfer phone recordings onto my computer.)

Now also consider the fact that I had frantically emailed a bunch of people in August (or September?) out of concern for my life, and I specifically mentioned Mozilla's new 'BioBar' as having potential for nasty uses. (Too long to explain what led me to this concern.)

Let's backtrack a bit further. Not only have I had constant problems in my apartment, but in February 2003, I had bought a used test tube from a second-hand store for making shooters. Two weeks after I got it, it somehow developed a gaping hole. Hadn't even used it. No glass shards or cracks - just a perfectly cut hole.

That summer, I had a friend over a couple of times to try out my drinks. One day, I was putting away my freshly cleaned glasses and noticed a thick layer of clear crystallized substance at the bottom of a shot glass. I should've kept a sample, but didn't.

You can see my concerns about personal safety (for self and others) began quite awhile ago.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Fighting fires

Just came back from my mother's this evening. Started making dinner. the fire alarm starts going off. Deafening (!!!). This phone recording doesn't do it justice.

Fire Alarm
this is an audio post - click to play

So many things I could say about about this fire alarm, plus the whole fire-fighting theme over the past two weeks, but difficult to explain.

So the fire alarm's blaring away. I open my door to let out any possible steam or smoke (there isn't any). Who comes along to complain about the noise but a neighbour whom I suspect of being a 'plant' (unlike other neighbours whom I believe have merely been co-opted). (Toooo loooong to explain.)

He then comes back a second time to suggest taking out the battery. Says they're running down in everyone's apartments. I have yet to hear a fire alarm go off at anyone else's place but mine. Believe me, you'd hear it.

As he leaves, he mentions again 'weak batteries' and 'keep things quiet.'

(I've mentioned repeatedly about my loss of energy in the past few months, concerns for my well-being, and subtle threats. I also wrote a long post a few days ago: Learning in the trenches (November 10.)

Maybe worth noting that my fire alarm was installed on Halloween last year, with the parting remark, 'Have a nice evening.'

Then, soon after the fire alarm was installed, it's red light went out and it never seemed to work - even when I literally smoked up the place. I mentioned this in a letter I almost sent my landlord, but never did (December 2003). Miraculously, the fire alarm suddenly went from dead to ultra-sensitive shortly after - all by itself. Now, even a burnt Eggo can set it wailing.

This neighbour said the fire alarm battery in the apartment opposite him also needed replacing. He mentions what I know to be true about most fire alarms: they beep intermittently to signal a low battery. This usually lasts a period of several weeks, and the beeps become longer and more annoying.

But this did NOT happen with my fire alarm.

I simply came home, started cooking, it started beeping in spurts from about 5:30pm, then blared non-stop by 6:30pm. You may notice in the phone recording how the volume intensity changes. I also have a broken phone that only rings *sometimes*. Just one of several things that has gone quirky in my place. (photos to come)

As I'm writing this, there has been no heat this evening. My fire alarm goes bonkers, and there's no heating.

I predict there will be many new problems on the horizon. Keep you posted...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Learning in the trenches

Talking about all this surveillance, it may appear I have a nastily suspicious and possibly even criminal mind. I feel there are three main causes for this 'New Me'.

First, my folks are overly idealistic. So darn straight, they never doubt people's word, nor speculate about hidden agendas or politics from people. (My mom's a little manipulative, but aren't all mothers?) They're more academic: they analyze things after the fact. (Believe me, none of us are 'material successes.')

Growing up, if I ever said anyone was doing wrong - lying, stealing, bullying me or others, or other stuff - my parents would ALWAYS defend the good in other people: innocent till proven guilty. So I learned to take people at their word. (I now call this blind idealism.)

I'm not saying my folks are saints, but they are pretty trusting and naive. I think it's got a lot to do with deeply-rooted cultural values combined with religious upbringing.

My parents are still like this today. They refused to believe I could be under any surveillance. It's taken three long years of persistent claims and obvious phenomena to get them to even entertain the possibility. My uncle has died, and I'm getting subtle death threats, yet my folks are still in denial. Great.

Security bodies, politicians, and most business types work in the opposite way: they think worst-case scenario first - guilty till proven innocent. Every single thing I do is questioned and seen in a negative light. Yet they are the ones carrying out harmful and illegal activities. Funny how things work.

[To people who've only known me these past few years, please note:

In discovering the world isn't such a pretty place, and that people politick (even people you trust - friends, relatives, etc), I've been trying to catch up on life skills I never had. I can deconstruct things in hindsight, but smooth politician I am not. Consequently, my parents continue to question my strange behaviour, tell me I have nothing to hide, and have been outright shocked by my furtiveness these past few years. I'll write more later about how my poor emotional state and experiencing reverse culture shock quickly escalated into my being threatened with investigation. And how this, in turn, has led to illegal surveillance and harassment.]

[Edit: See December 14 post, 'Disturbing the peace.']

Experiencing the world has been pivotal learning. But I was/am waaayy too open in searching for answers and seeking kindred spirits. Wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt, I've been lied to, used, cheated, bodily groped, and stolen from (even pickpocketed twice), many times over. It was probably too much all at once. I went from being a flower child at heart to seeing Big Brother in everything.

I try to keep an open mind - in spite of the surveillance and ongoing betrayals from people. But I've also come to realize that there are definitely some nasty folks around. I don't say that lightly. I truly believed even the most cruel or vile of people must have a spark of humanity. I tried to live by that creed. Foolish me.

My other major learning has been experiencing surveillance firsthand. Being continually haunted and hounded, I realized privacy and freedom are no longer my rights. I can relate to thriller movies in ways I never did before. Last year, watching Runaway Jury, I wept.

Hollywood films like Runaway Jury and Shark Tale offer subtle hints of a growing new world order. And if you think it's all dismissible glitter, remember this: Hollywood is the biggest marketing body and propaganda machine around. Read about its history of censorship, and also, what happened during the 'Red Scare' in the 40's and 50's.

The Front is an excellent film about the 'Hollywood Blacklist' - the U.S.'s most infamous period of censorship.

Net Lexicon's definition of blacklist gives a good example of how fear-mongering can reduce suspicions to sheer physicality.

From Raju Abju's internet article, "The Hollywood Blacklist":

Fifty years later, it is certainly much harder to find someone who would not agree that it is un-American to penalize a person for his known or suspected thoughts and words rather than for his criminal deeds. If we have not become a more tolerant nation in that time, then at the least the demise of the Cold War has lowered the temperature in which such a basic issue of free speech could be discussed (Rosenfeld A27).

Problem is, fifty years on, the situation is far more complicated. Post-World War II hopefulness and United Nations idealism have faded into a global ruthlessness.

Both the 'global village' and the all-encompassing power of electronic media that Marshall McLuhan predicted are now realities. Wars are being waged in the name of 'democracy'. Yet the approach is totally imperialistic. People's ethnic, cultural, and national identities are becoming blurred, while others may have been hiding theirs for years (mostly out of necessity). This spells C-H-A-O-S. Our basis for establishing trust is extremely superficial.

With the U.S. Republicans and George W. Bush's re-election, it may be difficult to question the real events around the World Trade Centre attacks. It also means post-911 security measures (Homeland Security) will continue to expand, leaving average citizens like putty in the government's hands.

Personal privacy and the right to dissent are fast disappearing. I'm not surprised people haven't yet noticed the loss of freedoms and democratic autonomy, and how this will affect us all.

It's pretty serious. As we all get sucked onto the internet and digital communications teat (mobile phones, satellites, faxes, PDAs, etc), Big Brother's ability to track and control people, nations, and so on, will be limitless.

Believe me, I'm not making these ideas up to bolster my own soapbox rants - I wish I were. I speak from my own experiences of what unchecked conservatism looks and feels like.

Am I going to cry about it? Or beg for help? No. Best I can do is offer suggestions. Stay tuned...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

U.S. fraud: 9-11, election, what's next...?

The results of the recent U.S. election somehow reminds me of President Bush's complete lack of surprise and seemingly deliberate slow response around the September 11 attacks in 2001.

Not enough people are questioning either of these events, and exercising their democratic rights.

About September 11 and the resulting War Against Terrorism, evidence clearly indicates the U.S. government had foreknowledge, plus behind-the-scenes financial dealings, suppressed information, and carried out many other irregularities.

A few examples of many: Bush's family and the bin Ladens both have shares in the same oil company. George and Osama know each other personally. Bin Laden has CIA training. Dick Cheney and other senior officials are major shareholders in companies doing business in Iraq, and so on.

Will also post a letter by a former FBI translator to the 9-11 Commission.

Some excellent resources about 9-11:

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush wore a device during debate

NASA photo analysis pretty much confirms President Bush wore a wired device (check out his lower back)...

NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate


the iDebate rages on - Bush using device?

Speculation that President George W. Bush wore an audio transmitting device during the presidential debate...

the iDebate rages on - Engadget


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Online voting worth questioning?

I haven't seen any US election results yet, but wanted to comment on the risks of online voting.

Having experienced deliberate online hacking, spamming, and what-not for several years now, I've started taking a closer look at online privacy and security issues recently. Here's what I've learned: standard internet security (eg, banking, bill payment, shopping, etc) is far from secure.

What you may not know is companies often keep mum about actual hacking problems or theft, due to fear of negative publicity. Authorities try hard to persuade organizations to disclose incidents of hacking, but are often unsuccessful.

With that in mind, think about online voting and consider this:

1. U.S. is co-ordinating a worldwide data mining project called Echelon. (see bottom) Anybody who's ever used the internet may be profiled. More about Echelon.

2. Online voting could be rendered insecure through many different means (eg, computer screen monitoring, key-logging, temporary files and 'internet tracks' left on computer, data leaking in transit, remote viewing or hacking, etc).

(Note: I'm no techie, so these are my own descriptions for electronic intrusion.)

I've said before that opting for manual balloting during our own recent federal election - and claiming this method is 'more accurate' and allows 'better control' over security - is flawed logic and a highly questionable move on the part of our government.

But I also think online voting is a big mistake - especially in the U.S. Given that America is the most powerful nation in the world, and is actively engaged in data mining projects and other 'Homeland Security' measures, how safe does that make one feel about online voting? People's voting information might be viewed, traced, and possibly stored for future reference.

Voting is a basic right. It's a means of preserving fundamental freedoms and democracy through one's choice of government officials. (Is there much choice??)

The FBI and others could very well abuse their technological powers, in order to determine people's political leanings, or even voting patterns over time. Considering what happened in Florida last time out, with people actually being blocked from voting polls, the American public should likewise be questioning the risks of internet voting.

A multinational survellance network, centered at Sugar Grove, WV, that intercepts all forms of electronic communications.

An FBI system to monitor email and other traffic through Internet service providers. (source)

Monday, November 01, 2004

U.S. government invading Canadians' privacy

Just saw this...

Report: PATRIOT Act Threatens Canadians' Privacy

British Columbia's Information and Privacy Commissioner has released a report (pdf) finding that the USA PATRIOT Act violates British Columbian privacy laws, and that personal information about Canadians may be accessible to the U.S. government under the Act. [emphasis added] The report concludes that changes to privacy law and other measures are necessary to protect British Columbians' personal information against seizure under the controversial American law. For more information, see EPIC's USA PATRIOT Act Page. (Nov. 1)