One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Phone franticness

Okay, being organized isn't my strong point. Posting 'multimedia content' on this weblog will take some time, partly because I haven't figured out how to upload different sound and picture files. Also, keeping up with my constantly overflowing voicemail box is a full-time job in itself.

Plus, my phone line is dead right now, so I don't have internet access. Strangely, the line cut out Friday night, while I was having an unusual and interesting conversation with a friend. Bell Canada is coming Tuesday to do repairs.

[Edit: The above may sound unintentionally suggestive. Actually, I was having notable problems with phone/internet/weblog connections over a two-day period, and I went to various lengths to access my weblog. I even asked some small stores if I could briefly try their internet. I finally ended up at George Brown College and was able to get through - funnily enough. On this same day, I was to meet up with this friend, but it didn't happen, due to an unexpected 'emergency with the water mains' at this particular building. When we spoke by phone later on, this friend described someone they ended up meeting that day, 'who's just as paranoid as you' (ie, me). Everything described about this person was strikingly similar to my own situation of feeling under high threat and overwhelmingly oppressed, while wanting to challenge the system. The Ministry of the Attorney General was referred to several times. In my own case, I suspect government surveillance and corruption would be exposed on a large scale. This friend does *not* believe I'm being surveilled. As I feared, they took the sudden phone disconnection as a deliberate slight, on my part. I'll post a transcription of their subsequent phone message to me, shortly.]

The timing of my phone service suddenly failing is a bit weird, considering I had just called Bell on Thursday, April 7, to request a wiretap check on my line. I had also contacted them the day before that, on Wednesday, April 6, to clear up several incidents of overbilling on my account. Uh, perhaps my discussions about digital monopolies and privacy concerns have ticked somebody off...?

What's equally strange is that my mother's phone line also had no dial tone, just two weeks ago. For three days, leading up to her birthday, she was unable to make phone calls, and likewise, nobody could call in. There are other anomalies around this whole event, which I may try to explain later.

Getting back to my own phone and internet challenges, last Wednesday to Friday were all very eventful days. For example, I had much difficulty accessing my weblog account, and I even went out of my way to try posting from different places. Wonder if anyone else was having this same problem? It seemed, to me, as if the site was selectively down, and that all attempts to post to my weblog were being purposely blocked. (But then, according to all my past therapists, I'm paranoid and delusional, so these odd perceptions may just be more hooey.)

More details about phone connections and other communications adventures coming soon. As always, thanks for your patience in reading this piecemeal web journal.


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