One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

'Gannon' stoking conservative flamers?

Why doesn't this recent story about a news reporter named 'Jeff Gannon' surprise me? See '"Jeff Gannon" exposed!'

Wildly eclectic, and apparently using a false name, 'Jeff Gannon' (a.k.a. James Gluckert) appears to be the antithesis of all things stereotypically conservative. (Descriptions in the link above almost remind me of me.)

Why is it also of little surprise that FOX News is backing Gannon/Gluckert's creds as a bonafide journalist?

Funny how this gun-toting, ultra-right conservative, White House correspondent supposedly has an out-out-outrageously queer past. (Or present...?)

Remember what I said about the Bush administration making itself queer-friendly? They almost seem to be courting the publicity from this story. And, this is yet another oddly hyped news event, popping up out of nowhere, much like Ward Churchill's recent media flogging.

This also caught my attention:
Let's not forget that it was Gannon who
reported the invasion of Iraq 4 hours before
any other news outlets had the story... [posted by Kim H.]

Note: I haven't confirmed above statement.

More thoughts at 'Undernews: Jeff Gannon Case'.

By the way, the closest-sounding word I could find to Gannon was guenon, 'any of various long-tailed chiefly arboreal African monkeys'; etymology French. Gannon could also be like 'cannon,' which is both phallic and a type of weaponry. *wink* [1]

Hey, don't take me too seriously. I'm just a lunatic who thinks I'm being subjected to surveillance and harassment.



[1] French, African, monkeys, queer...AIDS? Cannon...boom-boom? I know, it's a stretch - but what the heck. (See other posts.)


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