One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Shifting focus: Churchill vs. Cheney

Is it just me - or is there something wrong with this picture?

In examining companies like Halliburton, 60 Minutes showed how some major U.S. corporations do backdoor business with Iraq. Aired last August, 'Doing Business with the Enemy,' discusses how an investigation began when furious New York City firefighters and police learned part of their pensions are being invested in Halliburton and other companies having sizable military and petrochemical contracts in Iraq and elsewhere.[1]

Formerly headed by current U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney,
Halliburton is known to have questionable financial records, has bilked taxpayers by millions, has been profiting from war for over 70 years, and has large contracts in Iraq's rebuilding process to the tune of possibly billions of dollars.[2]

See's commentary, some not-so-far-out thoughts on Halliburton and Carlyle Group, and On Lisa Rein's Radar: Bye-Bye Cheney.[3]

Instead - the American public and media are absolutely *outraged* at Professor Ward Churchill's harsh critique of U.S. politics. In 'Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens,' Churchill argues that the downing of the World Trade Center's twin towers was an inevitable result of U.S. corporate and military imperialism abroad. Not an uncommon view - yet the media is suddenly pulverizing the guy for having written a controversial, yet fairly obscure, essay, which was penned right after the 9-11 attacks.

Ward Churchill is not a government official; this paper is simply one man's opinion.

Funny how news articles emphasize Churchill's salary and pay cut, while playing up the fact taxpayers are supporting 'hate-mongering' academics.[4] U.S. Republicans are also calling for Professor Churchill's dismissal from the University of Colorado in Boulder.[5]

If ever you had any doubts about the power of media, and who or what controls it, please lay them to rest. Corporate America's message to progressives, critical thinkers who question the status quo, and especially to 'Ethnic Studies' people is clear: toe the line, or else.

Recent Articles:

'Ward Churchill: Enemy Of The State' by Bob Newman, (Feb. 18, 2005)

'Ward Churchill's pickup vandalized' by Hector Gutierrez, Rocky Mountain News (Feb. 3, 2005)

See people's responses on

Forget about hate-mongering. What about the people actively responsible for starting wars, killing large numbers of people, silencing or murdering those who get in the way of their plans, and developing weapons of mass destruction for profit?


[1] 60 Minutes' exposé parallels arguments I'd made on a school listserv in 2000. People's righteous attitudes about global and corporate responsibility can often be shortsighted. I pointed out that many people, or their parents (who may be supporting their offsprings' education), have pensions or own mutual funds, which support companies that may have: a) unethical business practices, or b) foreign contracts or investments that are seriously compromising our planet's well-being.

[2] More about Dick Cheney: the fifth estate's 'The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney,' supplementary site, unofficial profile of Dick Cheney (informative), and

[3] Since my surveillance began, intelligence agencies have found it ridiculously easy to recruite moles. Many people who seek truth, or question the 'official line,' are going to be closely monitored and infiltrated. People whose sites I've posted on this weblog are an example of likely targets. Yes, it's that insidious. 'Big Brother' can track the site and author, study your habits, put a few friendly folks in your path, or co-opt your friends/colleagues, and bang: they have a lock on you. Nazism worked the exact same way - yet without digital conveniences.

Note: Several important links and one article I've posted have mysteriously gone offline.

[4] Is Ward Churchill's overall position, and his essay about September 11, really 'hate-mongering'? Judge for yourself. See also 'Johnson: Churchill not alone in pointing accusatory finger,' and posts from February 21 and February 22.

[5] Much is also made of Ward Churchill supposedly not being Aboriginal. Found this Wikipedia page; it's created on January 29, 2005 - after news of Churchill's essay exploded into headlines. It does a very good job of undermining his credibility. Attacks on his identity have mainly been levelled by top American Indian Movement (AIM) representatives, who, themselves, could be government plants or converts. Ironically, I happened to have discussed Aboriginal identity issues with two acquaintances, who are part Aboriginal, during my surveillance. Will also post articles later about the prevalence of government moles in native communities.

PS - To Ward Churchill, they may also be messing with your health.


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