One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Blowing a Tsunami

More nutty thoughts about the Tsunami to add to my list of doubts and questions.

I said to someone, 'Catastrophes like this [Tsunami] could be created.' You can imagine the response I got: 'You're crazy,' 'Nobody would do something like that,' 'How could they,' and so on (!!!).

I dropped science in Grade 10, so I know I'm on shaky ground here. But with all the news one hears about ocean research, oil drilling, government marine projects, military outposts, and so on, I believe it may be possible to create a tidal wave, like the Tsunami, at will. It'd be far more subversive and effective than an A-bomb.

Wait! Before you laugh, read Assessment of Technologies for Political Control. Here's an excerpt:

Indeed since the Interim Report was published, journalists have alleged that ECHELON [US National Security Agency's global surveillance project] has benefited US companies involved in arms deals, strengthened Washington's position in crucial World Trade organisation talks with Europe during a 1995 dispute with Japan over car part exports. According to the Financial Mail On Sunday, "key words identified by US experts include the names of inter-governmental trade organisations and business consortia bidding against US companies. The word 'block' is on the list to identify communications about offshore oil in area where the seabed has yet to be divided up into exploration blocks"..."It has also been suggested that in 1990 the US broke into secret negotiations and persuaded Indonesia that US giant AT & T be included in a multi-billion dollar telecoms deal that at one point was going entirely to Japan's NEC. [emphasis added]

('An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control,' subsection 7.4.1 NSA Interception of All EU Telecommunications. An Omega Foundation Summary & Options Report For The European Parliament, September 1998.)

...Did you check out the Bibliography??

We've had detailed explanations about how the Tsunami/tidal wave happened: a push down on the seabed drove the water up. Yet, one wonders why satellites and ocean monitors didn't detect any irregularities in advance? Nowadays, electronic monitoring of the earth's changes is so widespread.

The excerpt above fits neatly with my concerns that the Tsunami has seemed contrived and biased, right from the start. Look at what's mentioned: ocean seabeds, oil exploration, U.S.-Japan trade competition over a Southeast Asian country (Indonesia), global surveillance technology being used to aid corporate development.

Technically, the Tsunami could have been engineered. I'm not saying the disaster, itself, and the suffering aren't real. But, hello? Dastardly, twisted plots don't only happen in the movies. Would the U.S. seriously invade Iraq without, first, considering other major regions, like Asia, Africa, and Europe?

Disaster relief, conflict resolution, and structural rebuilding are extremely effective ways to establish closer ties with other nations, while boosting one's own economy. These are the 'carrots,' while military invasion and war profiteering are the 'sticks.' Together, they create a formula for success.

And why did the U.S. invade Iraq? Was Iraq spoiling for a fight? Us, car-crazy folks in North America readily accept denials by U.S. authorities that oil has been a factor in the wars against both Afghanistan and Iraq -- yet, oil is vitally important.

My crazy questions about the Tsunami require far more research to hold any weight. I don't have the time or inclination to explore these angles further, but maybe someone else could.

I merely sense, but cannot prove, that global politics and strategies for control are shifting into high gear. However, as long as our material needs and desires are being met, people aren't likely to question anything or see past superficial phenomena.

The quote above deals with U.S. monitoring of all Europe's telecommunications. I'll say it, again: the cellphone craze and spread of digital communications (including internet access) serve both corporate and governmental agendas for control. An unstoppable trend, obviously. Just be aware of the implications. (See other posts about phone wiretapping.)

Stay informed, and please help ensure personal privacy and free thought are PROTECTED.

[Edit: This is my most controversial blog entry. Strangely, there are a bunch of numbers in the URL or address link - like it's earmarked for trouble.

All my other the blog entries look like this (site address/ date/ title):

See January 25 for more Tsunami thoughts.]



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