One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Friday, October 08, 2004

My home bar

Dear blog reader:

Reading my 'adventures,' you might think my landlord is behind all the harassment. That's logical. Many other people assume this, too.

But it's more complicated than that. Problems in my building began long before I moved in. Several tenants had warned me.

Yet, the original landlords were far too money-conscious to go to such lengths to harangue me. Meanwhile management has changed hands (sort of), but I continue to receive 'special attention,' despite being a law-abiding tenant.

Strange incidents and interactions I experience are only possible through surveillance. They are of such a level of access and complexity that no landlord would possibly bother, nor would they have the necessary connections. Bottom line: I pay my rent.

Check out this message:

Bigland Farm
this is an audio post - click to play

Another wrong number. What's strange is the *timing*.

I actively pursued bartending as a possible job for a year (December 2002 to November 2003), but put this on hold for various reasons. Yesterday, one year since my last bartending job, I finally started packing up part of my home bar to create more space. I got the message above the very next day. '

'Chinese Black Wine.' What are the chances??


Further notes:

Being constantly harassed wears a person down. It's a breaking of spirit. I have, for example, gotten calls that seem to rub in the fact that I'm broke, unemployed, and so on.

Both a week before I got the call above, and a few days after, I received several calls for work (3 paid, 1 voluntary). Each time I called back, turns out they didn't need me after all. (Ha-ha.)

Here's where my ability to 'predict' things comes in. I knew I was being baited, each time, so I fully expected nothing to come of it.

How is that possible?

Each place that called me was one I had previously suggested may have involvement with the government. I had even written about three of these organizations, indirectly. Sound delusional? Maybe.

It's difficult for people to grasp how bold security bodies have become in approaching people and organizations in a post-911 world. All in the name of 'security.' I'm sure they already had well-placed 'plants' to begin with. Control is key.

I'm not the only target, obviously. Many people - particularly certain types of activists - get similar crap as I do. But perhaps the symbolism and psychological baiting aren't always apparent to them. Or they may not be as compulsive as I am in recording things.

Hey John Clarke and OCAP, I think you're all under surveillance and fully infiltrated. (Read Toronto Life's 'Uncivil Disobedience' by Catherine Dunphy, September 2004. Magazine version only.)

One reason I may notice surveillance more is, I started off as a unique case. I've been emotionally unbalanced. Being threatened with an investigation probably led to surveillance, and then, unbelievable invasions of privacy, harassment, and even pyschological terrorism. Seriously. I almost went over the edge; others have died.

I think race is also a factor. Take, for example, activist Jaggi Singh: he was quickly targeted during the FTAA protests, and was by far one of the most persecuted.

For the record, I've committed no crime. I'm a hard-working person and have always done honest labour. Yes, I'm desperate for a job, but I also donate my time and efforts freely to others.

Harassing me has paid off handsomely for intelligence agencies. My rants on various subjects and contentious interactions have likely helped the government finetune their ideas and approaches for controlling racially-diverse social situations - be it organizations, various ethnic communities, listservs, and so on. That's why I feel I'm able to recognize their tactics - they often resemble things I've mentioned, done, or experienced before.


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