One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Capitalism from an American's perspective

"As Greider writes, '“My premise: we have reached a rare moment in history when Americans have the opportunity (and obligation) to confront the destructive qualities of the U.S. economic system and reform it in profound ways. That is, alter capitalism's operating values and its imperious power structure that produce the damaging consequences for society, the confinements on people's lives and values, the collisions with nature and our future. Americans are more powerful than they imagine. People have the potential to force organic changes on the system from within. Many smart citizens are already at work on it.”'

"Greider is [a] long time respected journalist and author. He was an editor at the Washington Post and wrote for Rolling Stone Magazine. His book on the history of the Federal Reserve, “Secrets of the Temple” is a classic on American economic history. His 1992 book, “Who Will Tell the People,” is an insightful look at the tragic state of American democracy." (Excerpted from Link:



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