One Adventure: Surveillance in Toronto

Sunday, June 13, 2004

'Solar water heating,' please

Click above for CBC article on power outage.

Just before and after the province wide power outage (August 14/03), I wrote two posts to an Environmental Studies listserv re: surveillance. I incorporated thoughts on the energy situation. Day after my second post, I receive this phone msg:

Solar Water Heating
this is an audio post - click to play

Note: I have received literally hundreds of crank and wrong number calls, and have over 60 recorded messages on audio cassette. Many correpond closely to whatever is happening in my life at the time.

The cause of the power outage still unclear nearly a year later, yet on the actual day -- within less than two hours of the power cut -- all major news media were saying with absolute certainty, 'This is not a terrorist attack.'

How do they know this, when they do not even know where or how the problem originated? Still no definitive answers have been offered as to how or why the power outage happened.

This is not unlike the 9/11 disaster. There are anomalies surrounding both these major events that require further questioning.

For a complete 'timeline of 9/11' offering insight into political events before and after the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York, please visit



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